
HAPLO-iPS COST Action CA21151 held its 2nd Working Group and Management Committee Meetings

Sixty-two participants from near 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria for the 2nd Working Groups and Management Committee (MC) meetings of COST Action CA21151 Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from haplo-selected cord blood samples (Haplo-iPS). The Meeting was held on 4th and 5th September 2023.

After the welcome and presentation of the Action Chair, the WGs met in parallel sessions (WG1, WG3, WG4) and (WG2, WG5, WG7) and finally WG6. During the meeting WG members and WG Leaders and Co-Leaders presented the progress in project implementation and initiated lively discussions on the challenges and initiatives planned for the next Action period.  

On 5th September a Management Committee Meeting was organized to discuss further developments and plan next activities of CA21151.

The minutes of the last meeting and e-votes were approved by all the MC members. The Grant Holder Manager, Ester Rodriguez, presented the new members of the MC and the financial report. The Action Chair, Anna Veiga, described the structure of the Action and the new leaderships positions. David Morrow, Action vice-chair exposed the Implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness policy. The Grant Awarding process was explained by the Grant Awarding Coordinator Annelise Bennaceur. Georgi Georgiev, the Science Communication Coordinator, presented the Science Communication Plan and the Action Chair summarised the WG Planning Report.

Finally, the MC members discussed upcoming activities and possible venues for the next meeting.

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