
Ali Turhan

WG7 Leader
Prof. A.G Turhan, MD, PhD is a clinical Hematologist/Oncologist and scientist and a leukemia/hematopoietic stem cell/iPSC expert in Paris Saclay University and Head of Hematology Department at APHP-Paris Saclay Bicetre&Paul Brousse Hospitals. Prof Turhan is pursuing his research at Inserm U1310 as a Director. His research Unit has a pioneering expertise in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology . The goal of his team is to develop tools based on ESC/ iPSC technologies for both modeling cancer and leukemia and to develop clinically applicable iPSC-derived therapies for cancer, from preclinical phase to Phase I/II.
Affiliation: Universite Paris Saclay
Country: France