CG-_0001_Rossitza Konakchieva

Rossitza Konakchieva

WG6 Leader
Rossitza Konakchieva is a full-time Professor in Cell biology and Physiology and Director of Master‘s Program Developmental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University. Her main professional expertise is in the field of reproductive cell biology and endocrinology with focus on neuroimmune adaptation to stress and environmental factors. She has conducted research in the Centre for Reproductive Biology, MRC Unit, Edinburgh; Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich; Laboratory of Neurobiology and Circadian Rhythms, CNRS, Strasbourg and Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. She is a co-founder and head manager of the Research Infrastructure “Alliance for Cell Technologies /INFRAACT/”, Bulgarian Society for Regenerative Medicine, National Director of EATRIS-Bulgaria since 2018 and others.
Affiliation: Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Country: Bulgaria