
WG1 of Haplo-iPS met with GAiT/NMDP representatives

Haplo-iPS leader of Work Group 1 “Sample selection” Dr. Sergio Querol met with representatives of the Global Alliance for iPSC Therapies (GAiT) and the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) to discuss possible collaborations on HLA haplotypes and population coverage for the purpose of designing an efficient iPSC haplobank for cell therapies.

GAiT/NMDP has previously explored which is the best ranking of HLA haplotypes in order to cover as much patients as possible. Under previous projects, they have already developed IT tools for ranking and clustering of HLA-haplotypes to make the most precise recommendation in this connection. Given the goal of COST Action Haplo-iPS to map HLA haplotypes for Europe per countries, geographical region and on a European level, meeting participants discussed the best approaches and the adaptation of tools for implementing these tasks. WG1 of Haplo-iPS is currently identifying cord blood banks to collaborate in the definition of protocol for transfer of clinical grade cord blood units for transplantation to be used as starting materials for generation of haplo-bank, that will serve as a secondary registry within the WMDA scope.

Participants in the meeting have agreed to join the project as COST Action Haplo-iPS members which will facilitate a joint scientific publication. This paper will serve as a Guide for selection of donor sources for developing an European Haplobank.

The collaboration of WG1 with GAiT/NMDP members will continue in a follow-up virtual meeting and the preliminary results are expected to be presented during the next HAPLO-iPS annual meeting in May this year.

Minutes of the meeting could be found in the Repository of the Haplo-iPS website.

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