ITC Conference Grants (ITCCGs) are aimed at supporting young researchers from participating ITC or NNC to attend international science and technology related conferences, events or activities on the topic of the Action that are not organised by the COST Action.
NOTE: Current ITCs (Inclusiveness Target Countries) and NNCs (Near Neighbour Countries) according to COST Annotated Rules (ANNEX I: COUNTRY AND ORGANISATIONS TABLE).
First call characteristics:
- ITC Conference Grants will support Young Researchers on attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference and establish new contacts for future collaborations.
- The 1st ITCCGs call covers the 2nd Grant Period from February 2024 until August 2024, and during this period ITCCGs should be completed.
- A maximum of 2,000 euros per grant for face-to-face conferences or 500 euros for virtual conferences can be reimbursed for members’ attendance at approved Conferences.
- Application Period: February 1st 2024 – 31st August 2024 (The call will be open as long as the budget is available with the last deadline 31st August 2024)
- Applications will be assessed within 30 days from the submission.
Documents for interested applicants:
- ITCC grant Application: The applicant encodes a grant application by logging into e-COST profile and clicking on the Grant Applications tab. The applicant can select the DC grant from the page ‘Apply for grant’ and has to fill in the application.
- ITC Conference Grants Application form
- Abstract submitted to the conference.
- Acceptance letter from the conference organizer committee.
- Other documents required by the Action:
- Applicants must also upload their CV in their e-Cost profile.
- Letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor or host institution (if applicable).
How to apply
Potential applicants that are interested to submit an application should read the HAPLO iPS ITCCGs GUIDELINES for more details about eligibility, criteria for evaluation, financial support, criteria for reimbursement and how to apply and also its appendixes hereby attached (Appendix 1. ITC Grant application and Appendix 2. ITC Grant Report).
Interested applicants should sign in to e-COST profile (or sign up if they do not have a profile) and apply online on the webpage:
Financial support
Following the COST annotated rules (see pages 81-86), applicants are eligible to receive a daily allowance that will financially contribute to (but not necessarily cover) daily expenses such as meals, accommodation and local travel. You can find the daily allowance rate for each country here:
According to the COST annotated rules (see pages 81-86), the participant is also eligible to be reimbursed for their long-distance travel costs (up to EUR 1500). “The participants are required to choose the most economical means of transportation” (page 82, COST annotated rules).
Approved candidates are required to fill in a report template and submit it along with other documents after their conference participation as described in the HAPLO iPS ITCCGs GUIDELINES .
Further information on the COST Action CA 21151 and Working Groups is available on the website: and also in our webpage
Further details can be consulted at the COST Annotated Rules.